My story

From Doctor to Sex-Coach

“It was not an easy journey”
Unearthing the true essence of sex as a deeply emotional encounter ignited my journey as an NLP-based sex and relationship coach.

It was a transformative moment on my wedding night when the significance of an erect penis took on a new meaning. Initially focused on sex as a mechanical process, my perspective shifted as I discovered its profound role in forging connections. This revelation forever altered my understanding of intimacy.

With unwavering support from my husband and a passion for personal growth, I delved into diverse courses and certifications on love, relationships, and intimacy. Over time, I became acutely aware of society’s limited grasp of the complexities surrounding love, sex, and relationships. This realization fueled my rebellious career shift from a medical practitioner to a sex and relationship coach, driven by a mission to shed light on the simplicity of loving yourself and another soul.

Who am I?

I’m not your run-of-the-mill sex coach— I exist to revolutionize your perspective and unlock your untapped sexual potential, infusing you with a newfound confidence and intimacy that will bring life to your relationships. I possess the knowledge and expertise to empower you, enabling you to unleash your inner fire and embark on a path of self-discovery and profound connection.

I’m a married woman in my 40s, a mother, and a seasoned medical practitioner with 20 years of experience. But that’s not all—I’m also a certified sex and relationship coach with a decade of practice under my belt. I help individuals like you own your pleasure and elevate your love life to the peaks of intimacy by resolving your doubts, fears, shame, guilt, negative beliefs, and more.

My journey


Eagerly wanted a partner. Took the Plunge into a Crazy Adventure Called Marriage.


Desperately wanted to save my marriage. Stepped into parenthood’s thrilling ride.


Broke free from ‘Adarsh Bahu’ syndrome. Escaped toxicity for a fulfilling life.


Love conquers all! Reunited with my husband to embrace joyful parenthood for our daughter. Next 10 years turned out to be a roller-coaster ride of lost desires, unknown wishes and soulful quests to reach the destination of self discovery.


Unveiled the ecstasy within! Experienced my first ever, unforgettable orgasm.


Became a pleasure crusader on a global mission of spreading love, simplifying intimacy and igniting passion universally!